
Find my courses on Udemy.

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Business Success Series

In the Business Success Series you will learn critical skills to grow your business.  You've mastered your craft and you offer excellent service but without these essential business skills, you won't be able to grow a thriving business.

Start with the Business Success Skills - Level 1 Course and then move through the rest of the series in order to get the best plan in place to grow a successful business.

Minimalist Marketing Series - Marketing for Non-Marketers.

In this series you will learn a simple strategy for promoting your courses, information products and coaching/consulting packages.

Start with the Minimalist Marketing Basic Course and then move into any or all of the Marketing Promotion Plans.

Minimalist Marketing - End Marketing Dread

MARKETING FOR NON-MARKETERS - A single simple strategy you can use to generate sales all year
Do you struggle to get momentum in your business? Are you overwhelmed by marketing and find yourself stopping and starting with different marketing strategies all year long?
I am sure you have spent a ton of time learning your craft, whether you are a coach, a consultant or a creative writer. What you may not have spent time learning is marketing. (Or if you are like me, you have spent a lot of time learning about marketing but you just aren't very good at it.)
I spent too much money learning and playing with Twitter, Facebook ads and email campaigns that got me nowhere.
Let's face it, some of us just aren't strong at marketing - nor do we care to be. I created this course for you. For the person who hates the "selling" part of business. If marketing is the piece that is keeping you from being successful, then this is the course for you.
There is a simple strategy you can use that requires very little marketing know-how and that is ethical and spam-free. Don't you just hate using those strategies that feel pushy and uncomfortable? I know I did which is why I couldn't find success in my business.
One of my core values is authenticity and I felt most marketing strategies were misleading. With the strategy you are about to learn you will be very straight-forward about what you are offering, have a concise plan for making offers and avoid sneak-attack sales methods.
Did I mention this strategy is fun too?! If you are like me, you would rather go to the dentist than spend hours sending emails and posting tweets. Unfortunately marketing is a necessity. No marketing, no sales.
So I found a fun way to bring in sales. This strategy allows you to be creative, involve your audience in the fun and gain new loyal customers in the process.
It's a win-win for you and your customers. If marketing falls under the "necessary evil" category, then it's time to click the Enroll Now button and get started on Marketing for Non-Marketers.
I promise you, you will enjoy the strategy and find that it works for you. If you don't have success in the next 30 days, you are covered by Udemy's 30-day Money Back Guarantee.
Let's get started and finally get your wonderful programs and services out to your audience. The world needs you and you do not need to let marketing hold you back anymore.
Normal Price - $199 - Use this coupon to get the course for just $29

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